Wednesday, March 29, 2017

We have had a very scientific week! At the request of a student, we have planned a different experiment for each day. 
We have followed the instructions, found the equipment we needed, predicted the outcomes, completed the experiment and discussed our findings.
We have made celery change colour, created volcanoes, made raisins dance and realised that oil and water just will not mix!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

This week we have been doing a range of colour mixing experiments. 

We have used paint and hands, ice and rice, squishy bags and milk, food colouring and washing up liquid to mix and experiment with colour. 

Some children then designed their own experiments.
Scientists of the future!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

We were so lucky that Constable Andi came to visit us to talk about road safety. She told us how to cross the road safely and how to check driveways before we walk in front of them. Ask your child what they have to look and listen for in order to stay safe. They are experts!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

It has been an action packed week! 
At Investigation Time we linked to our Inquiry learning and thought about sustaining culture. We read and discussed the legend of Maui and the Sun. A group of children displayed great teamwork and planning to create a display.
Our first butterfly joined Room 7. Charlotte was the butterfly catcher and she gently released it into the forest after we had all had a look at it.
We also had our sports day at St Francis Xavier school. I was so impressed with the great respect and responsibility shown by our children!