Thursday, March 9, 2017

It has been an action packed week! 
At Investigation Time we linked to our Inquiry learning and thought about sustaining culture. We read and discussed the legend of Maui and the Sun. A group of children displayed great teamwork and planning to create a display.
Our first butterfly joined Room 7. Charlotte was the butterfly catcher and she gently released it into the forest after we had all had a look at it.
We also had our sports day at St Francis Xavier school. I was so impressed with the great respect and responsibility shown by our children!


  1. Fantastic work Room 7. I love your Maui art. It is so great to know about all of the special stories from our cultures.

  2. What amazing artists you are in Room 7! How exciting to have a beautiful monarch butterfly in your classroom too!

  3. I love your Maui and the sun picture it looks amazing displayed on the wall
